Source code for kripodb.modifiedtanimoto

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2016 Netherlands eScience Center
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Module to calculate modified tanimoto similarity"""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from math import fsum
import six

[docs]def calc_mean_onbit_density(bitsets, number_of_bits): """Calculate the mean density of bits that are on in bitsets collection. Args: bitsets (list[pyroaring.BitMap]): List of fingerprints number_of_bits: Number of bits for all fingerprints Returns: float: Mean on bit density """ all_nr_onbits = [len(v) for v in bitsets] mean_onbit = fsum(all_nr_onbits) / float(len(all_nr_onbits)) density = mean_onbit / number_of_bits return float(density)
[docs]def corrections(mean_onbit_density): """Calculate corrections See :func:`similarity` for explanation of corrections. Args: mean_onbit_density (float): Mean on bit density Returns: float: S\ :sub:`T` correction, S\ :sub:`T0` correction """ p0 = mean_onbit_density corr_st = (2 - p0) / 3 corr_sto = (1 + p0) / 3 return corr_st, corr_sto
[docs]def similarity(bitset1, bitset2, number_of_bits, corr_st, corr_sto): """Calculate modified Tanimoto similarity between two fingerprints Given two fingerprints of length n with a and b bits set in each fingerprint, respectively, and c bits set in both fingerprint, selected from a data set of fingerprint with a mean bit density of ρ\ :sub:`0`, the modified Tanimoto similarity S\ :sub:`MT` is calculated as .. math:: S_{MT} = (\\frac{2 - ρ_0}{3}) S_T + (\\frac{1 + ρ_0}{3}) S_{T0} where ST is the standard Tanimoto coefficient .. math:: S_T = \\frac{c}{a + b - c} and Sr0 is the inverted Tanimoto coefficient .. math:: S_{T0} = \\frac{n - a - b + c}{n -c} Args: bitset1 (pyroaring.BitMap): First fingerprint bitset2 (pyroaring.BitMap): Second fingerprint number_of_bits (int): Number of bits for all fingerprints corr_st (float): St correction corr_sto (float): Sto correction Returns: float: modified Tanimoto similarity """ a = len(bitset1) b = len(bitset2) c = bitset1.intersection_cardinality(bitset2) n = number_of_bits st = float(c) / (a + b - c) st0 = (n - a - b + c) / float(n - c) smt = corr_st * st + corr_sto * st0 return smt
[docs]def similarities(bitsets1, bitsets2, number_of_bits, corr_st, corr_sto, cutoff, ignore_upper_triangle=False): """Calculate modified tanimoto similarity between two collections of fingerprints Excludes similarity of the same fingerprint. Args: bitsets1 (Dict{str, pyroaring.BitMap}): First dict of fingerprints with fingerprint label as key and pyroaring.BitMap as value bitsets2 (Dict{str, pyroaring.BitMap}): Second dict of fingerprints with fingerprint label as key and pyroaring.BitMap as value number_of_bits (int): Number of bits for all fingerprints corr_st (float): St correction corr_sto (float): Sto correction cutoff (float): Cutoff, similarity scores below cutoff are discarded. ignore_upper_triangle (Optional[bool]): When true returns similarity where label1 > label2, when false returns all similarities Yields: (fingerprint label 1, fingerprint label2, similarity score) """ for (label1, bs1) in six.iteritems(bitsets1): for (label2, bs2) in six.iteritems(bitsets2): if label1 == label2: # always skip self continue if ignore_upper_triangle and label1 > label2: continue score = similarity(bs1, bs2, number_of_bits, corr_st, corr_sto) if score >= cutoff: yield label1, label2, score