Source code for kripodb.hdf5

# Copyright 2016 Netherlands eScience Center
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Similarity matrix using hdf5 as storage backend."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

from math import log10, ceil, floor

import numpy as np
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import tables
import six

[docs]class SimilarityMatrix(object): """Similarity matrix Args: filename (str): File name of hdf5 file to write or read similarity matrix from mode (str): Can be 'r' for reading or 'w' for writing expectedpairrows (int): Expected number of pairs to be added. Required when similarity matrix is opened in write mode, helps optimize storage expectedlabelrows (int): Expected number of labels to be added. Required when similarity matrix is opened in write mode, helps optimize storage cache_labels (bool): Cache labels, speed up label lookups Attributes: h5file (tables.File): Object representing an open hdf5 file pairs (PairsTable): HDF5 Table that contains pairs labels (LabelsLookup): Table to look up label of fragment by id or id of fragment by label """ filters = tables.Filters(complevel=6, complib='blosc') def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', expectedpairrows=None, expectedlabelrows=None, cache_labels=False, **kwargs): self.h5file = tables.open_file(filename, mode, filters=self.filters, **kwargs) self.pairs = PairsTable(self.h5file, expectedpairrows) self.labels = LabelsLookup(self.h5file, expectedlabelrows) self.cache_i2l = {} self.cache_l2i = {} if cache_labels: self._build_label_cache() def _build_label_cache(self): if not self.cache_l2i: self.cache_l2i = self.labels.label2ids() self.cache_i2l = {v: k for k, v in six.iteritems(self.cache_l2i)}
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the hdf5file""" self.h5file.close()
[docs] def append(self, other): """Append data from other similarity matrix to me Args: other (SimilarityMatrix): Other similarity matrix """ if len(self.labels) == 0: # copy labels when self has no labels self.labels.append(other.labels) if self.labels == other.labels: # same id 2 labels mapping, can safely copy pairs self.pairs.append(other.pairs) else: # different id 2 labels mapping, must remap labels of other into labels of self # for labels missing in self, generate new id and add to self self.labels.merge(other.labels) # for other pairs map a,b to labels of other and map other labels to self id using self labels self.pairs.update(other, self.labels.label2ids())
def __iter__(self): self._build_label_cache() for pair in self.pairs: yield self.cache_i2l[pair['a']], self.cache_i2l[pair['b']], pair['score']
[docs] def update(self, similarities_iter, label2id): """Store pairs of fragment identifier with their similarity score and label 2 id lookup Args: similarities_iter (iterator): Iterator which yields (label1, label2, similarity_score) label2id (dict): Dictionary with fragment label as key and fragment identifier as value. """ self.pairs.update(similarities_iter, label2id) self.labels.update(label2id)
[docs] def find(self, query, cutoff, limit=None): """Find similar fragments to query. Args: query (str): Query fragment identifier cutoff (float): Cutoff, similarity scores below cutoff are discarded. limit (int): Maximum number of hits. Default is None for no limit. Yields: (str, float): Hit fragment idenfier and similarity score """ if self.cache_l2i: frag_id = self.cache_l2i[query] for hit_frag_id, score in self.pairs.find(frag_id, cutoff, limit): yield self.cache_i2l[hit_frag_id], score else: frag_id = self.labels.by_label(query) for hit_frag_id, score in self.pairs.find(frag_id, cutoff, limit): yield self.labels.by_id(hit_frag_id), score
[docs] def count(self, frame_size, raw_score=False, lower_triangle=False): """Count occurrences of each score Args: frame_size (int): Size of matrix loaded each time. Larger requires more memory and smaller is slower. raw_score (bool): Return raw int16 score or fraction score lower_triangle (bool): Dummy argument to force same interface for thawed and frozen matrix Returns: (str, int): Score and number of occurrences """ return self.pairs.count(frame_size, raw_score)
[docs] def keep(self, other, keep): """Copy content of self to other and only keep given fragment labels and the labels they pair with Args: other (SimilarityMatrix): Writable matrix to fill keep (set[str]): Fragment labels to keep """ frag_ids2keep = self.labels.by_labels(keep) all_frag_ids2keep = self.pairs.keep(other.pairs, frag_ids2keep) self.labels.keep(other.labels, all_frag_ids2keep)
[docs] def skip(self, other, skip): """Copy content of self to other and skip all given fragment labels Args: other (SimilarityMatrix): Writable matrix to fill skip (set[str]): Fragment labels to skip """ frag_ids2skip = self.labels.by_labels(skip) self.pairs.skip(other.pairs, frag_ids2skip) self.labels.skip(other.labels, frag_ids2skip)
[docs]class AbstractSimpleTable(object): """Abstract wrapper around a HDF5 table Args: table (tables.Table): HDF5 table append_chunk_size (int): Size of chunk to append in one go. Defaults to 1e8, which when table description is 10bytes will require 2Gb during append. Attributes table (tables.Table): HDF5 table append_chunk_size (int): Number of rows to read from other table during append. """ def __init__(self, table, append_chunk_size=int(1e8)): self.table = table self.append_chunk_size = append_chunk_size
[docs] def append(self, other): """Append rows of other table to self Args: other: Table of same type as self """ limit = len(other.table) for start in range(0, limit, self.append_chunk_size): stop = self.append_chunk_size + start self.table.append(, stop=stop))
def __len__(self): """ Returns: int: Number of rows in table """ return len(self.table) def __iter__(self): return self.table.__iter__()
class SimilarityPair(tables.IsDescription): """Table description for similarity pair""" a = tables.UInt32Col() b = tables.UInt32Col() score = tables.UInt16Col()
[docs]class PairsTable(AbstractSimpleTable): """Tabel to store similarity score of a pair of fragment fingerprints When table does not exist in h5file it is created. Args: h5file (tables.File): Object representing an open hdf5 file expectedrows (int): Expected number of pairs to be added. Required when similarity matrix is opened in write mode, helps optimize storage Attributes: score_precision (int): Similarity score is a fraction, the score is converted to an int by multiplying it with the precision full_matrix (bool): Matrix is filled above and below diagonal. """ table_name = 'pairs' filters = tables.Filters(complevel=6, complib='blosc') def __init__(self, h5file, expectedrows=0): if self.table_name in h5file.root: table = h5file.root.__getattr__(self.table_name) else: table = h5file.create_table('/', self.table_name, SimilarityPair, 'Similarity pairs', expectedrows=expectedrows) super(PairsTable, self).__init__(table) self.score_precision = 2 ** 16 - 1 @property def full_matrix(self): try: return self.table.attrs['full_matrix'] except KeyError: return False @full_matrix.setter def full_matrix(self, value): self.table.attrs['full_matrix'] = value
[docs] def update(self, similarities_iter, label2id): """Store pairs of fragment identifier with their similarity score Args: similarities_iter (Iterator): Iterator which yields (label1, label2, similarity_score) label2id (Dict): Lookup with fragment label as key and fragment identifier as value """ hit = self.table.row for label1, label2, similarity in similarities_iter: hit['a'] = label2id[label1] hit['b'] = label2id[label2] hit['score'] = int(similarity * self.score_precision) hit.append() self.table.flush()
[docs] def find(self, frag_id, cutoff, limit): """Find fragment hits which has a similarity score with frag_id above cutoff. Args: frag_id (int): query fragment identifier cutoff (float): Cutoff, similarity scores below cutoff are discarded. limit (int): Maximum number of hits. Default is None for no limit. Returns: List[Tuple]: Where first tuple value is hit fragment identifier and second value is similarity score """ precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10**(floor(log10(precision)))) scutoff = int(cutoff * precision) hits = {} query1 = '(a == {0}) & (score >= {1})'.format(frag_id, scutoff) for row in self.table.where(query1): hit_id, score = row[1], row[2] score = ceil(precision10 * score / precision) / precision10 hits[hit_id] = score if not self.full_matrix: query2 = '(b == {0}) & (score >= {1})'.format(frag_id, scutoff) for row in self.table.where(query2): hit_id, score = row[0], row[2] score = ceil(precision10 * score / precision) / precision10 hits[hit_id] = score # highest score==most similar first sorted_hits = sorted(six.iteritems(hits), reverse=True, key=lambda r: r[1]) if limit is not None: sorted_hits = sorted_hits[:limit] return sorted_hits
[docs] def append(self, other): """Append rows of other table to self Args: other: Table of same type as self """ super(PairsTable, self).append(other) if self.score_precision is None: self.score_precision = other.score_precision
def __iter__(self): precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10**(floor(log10(precision)))) for pair in super(PairsTable, self).__iter__(): score = ceil(precision10 * pair['score'] / precision) / precision10 yield {'a': pair['a'], 'b': pair['b'], 'score': score}
[docs] def count(self, frame_size, raw_score=False): """Count occurrences of each score Args: frame_size (int): Size of matrix loaded each time. Larger requires more memory and smaller is slower. raw_score (bool): Return raw int16 score or fraction score Returns: Tuple[(str, int)]: Score and number of occurrences """ # Count occurrences of each score by reading pairs table in frames nr_rows = len(self.table) nr_bins = self.score_precision + 1 counts = np.zeros(shape=nr_bins, dtype=np.int64) bar = ProgressBar() for start in bar(six.moves.range(0, nr_rows, frame_size)): stop = frame_size + start frame =, stop=stop) frame_counts = np.bincount(frame['score'], minlength=nr_bins) counts += frame_counts if raw_score: for raw_score in counts.nonzero()[0]: yield (raw_score, counts[raw_score]) else: # Convert int score into fraction precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10 ** (ceil(log10(precision)))) for raw_score in counts.nonzero()[0]: score = ceil(precision10 * raw_score / precision) / precision10 count = counts[raw_score] yield (score, count)
[docs] def keep(self, other, keep): """Copy pairs from self to other and keep given fragment identifiers and the identifiers they pair with. Args: other (PairsTable): Pairs table to fill keep (set[int]): Fragment identifiers to keep Returns: set[int]: Fragment identifiers that have been copied to other """ all_frags2keep = set(keep) hit = other.table.row for row in self.table: if row['a'] in keep and row['b'] in keep: hit['a'] = row['a'] hit['b'] = row['b'] hit['score'] = row['score'] hit.append() elif row['a'] in keep: hit['a'] = row['a'] hit['b'] = row['b'] hit['score'] = row['score'] hit.append() all_frags2keep.add(row['b']) elif row['a'] in keep: hit['a'] = row['a'] hit['b'] = row['b'] hit['score'] = row['score'] hit.append() all_frags2keep.add(row['a']) other.table.flush() return all_frags2keep
[docs] def skip(self, other, skip): """Copy content from self to other and skip given fragment identifiers Args: other (PairsTable): Pairs table to fill skip (set[int]): Fragment identifiers to skip """ hit = other.table.row for row in self.table: if row['a'] not in skip and row['b'] not in skip: hit['a'] = row['a'] hit['b'] = row['b'] hit['score'] = row['score'] hit.append() other.table.flush()
class Id2Label(tables.IsDescription): """Table description of id 2 label table.""" frag_id = tables.UInt32Col() label = tables.StringCol(16)
[docs]class LabelsLookup(AbstractSimpleTable): """Table to look up label of fragment by id or id of fragment by label When table does not exist in h5file it is created. Args: h5file (tables.File): Object representing an open hdf5 file expectedrows (int): Expected number of pairs to be added. Required when similarity matrix is opened in write mode, helps optimize storage """ table_name = 'labels' filters = tables.Filters(complevel=6, complib='blosc') def __init__(self, h5file, expectedrows=0): if self.table_name in h5file.root: table = h5file.root.__getattr__(self.table_name) else: table = h5file.create_table('/', self.table_name, Id2Label, 'Labels lookup', expectedrows=expectedrows) table.cols.frag_id.create_index(filters=self.filters) table.cols.label.create_index(filters=self.filters) super(LabelsLookup, self).__init__(table)
[docs] def by_id(self, frag_id): """Look up label of fragment by id Args: frag_id (int): Fragment identifier Raises: IndexError: When id of fragment is not found Returns: str: Label of fragment """ query = 'frag_id == {}'.format(frag_id) result = self.table.where(query) first_row = next(result) label_col = first_row[1].decode() return label_col
[docs] def by_label(self, label): """Look up id of fragment by label Args: label (str): Fragment label Raises: IndexError: When label of fragment is not found Returns: int: Fragment identifier """ query = 'label == b"{}"'.format(label) result = self.table.where(query) first_row = next(result) id_col = first_row[0] return id_col
[docs] def by_labels(self, labels): """Look up ids of fragments by label Args: labels (set[str]): Set of fragment labels Raises: IndexError: When label of fragment is not found Returns: set[int]: Set of fragment identifiers """ ids = set() for frag_label, frag_id in six.iteritems(self.label2ids()): if frag_label in labels: ids.add(frag_id) return ids
[docs] def label2ids(self): """Return whole table as a dictionary Returns: dict: Dictionary with label as key and frag_id as value. """ return {r['label'].decode(): r['frag_id'] for r in self.table}
[docs] def update(self, label2id): """Update labels lookup by adding labels in label2id. Args: label2id (dict): Dictionary with fragment label as key and fragment identifier as value. """ for label, frag_id in six.iteritems(label2id): self.table.row['frag_id'] = frag_id self.table.row['label'] = label self.table.row.append() self.table.flush()
def __eq__(self, other): # same length if len(self.table) != len(other.table): return False # same columns if self.table.coldescrs != other.table.coldescrs: return False # same content mydict = self.label2ids() otherdict = other.label2ids() return mydict == otherdict
[docs] def merge(self, label2id): """Merge label2id dict into self When label does not exists an id is generated and the label/id is added. When label does exist the id of the label in self is kept. Args: label2id (dict]): Dictionary with fragment label as key and fragment identifier as value. Returns: dict: Dictionary of label/id which where in label2id, but missing in self """ id_offset = max([r['frag_id'] for r in self.table]) + 1 mylabels = frozenset([r['label'].decode() for r in self.table]) missing_label2ids = {} for row in label2id: if row['label'] not in mylabels: missing_label2ids[row['label']] = id_offset id_offset += 1 self.update(missing_label2ids) return missing_label2ids
def __iter__(self): for r in self.table.__iter__(): yield {'frag_id': r['frag_id'], 'label': r['label'].decode()} def _copy(self, other, condition): hit = other.table.row for row in self.table: if condition(row['frag_id']): hit['frag_id'] = row['frag_id'] hit['label'] = row['label'] hit.append() other.table.flush()
[docs] def keep(self, other, keep): """Copy content of self to other and only keep given fragment identifiers Args: other (LabelsLookup): Labels table to fill keep (set[int]): Fragment identifiers to keep """ self._copy(other, lambda d: d in keep)
[docs] def skip(self, other, skip): """Copy content of self to other and skip given fragment identifiers Args: other (LabelsLookup): Labels table to fill skip (set[int]): Fragment identifiers to skip """ self._copy(other, lambda d: d not in skip)