Source code for kripodb.frozen

# Copyright 2016 Netherlands eScience Center
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Similarity matrix using pytables carray"""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from math import log10, ceil, floor

    # for Python >3.3
    from time import process_time
except ImportError:
    from time import clock as process_time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from progressbar import ProgressBar
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
import six
import tables

[docs]class FrozenSimilarityMatrix(object): """Frozen similarities matrix Can retrieve whole column of a specific row fairly quickly. Store as compressed dense matrix. Due to compression the zeros use up little space. Warning! Can not be enlarged. Compared find performance FrozenSimilarityMatrix with SimilarityMatrix:: >>> from kripodb.db import FragmentsDb >>> db = FragmentsDb('data/feb2016/Kripo20151223.sqlite') >>> ids = [v[0] for v in db.cursor.execute('SELECT frag_id FROM fragments ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 20')] >>> from kripodb.frozen import FrozenSimilarityMatrix >>> fdm = FrozenSimilarityMatrix('01-01_to_13-13.out.frozen.blosczlib.h5') >>> from kripodb.hdf5 import SimilarityMatrix >>> dm = SimilarityMatrix('data/feb2016/01-01_to_13-13.out.h5', cache_labels=True) >>> %timeit list(dm.find(ids[0], 0.45, None)) ... 1 loop, best of 3: 1.96 s per loop >>> %timeit list(fdm.find(ids[0], 0.45, None)) ... The slowest run took 6.21 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached. ... 10 loops, best of 3: 19.3 ms per loop >>> ids = [v[0] for v in db.cursor.execute('SELECT frag_id FROM fragments ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 20')] >>> %timeit -n1 [list(fdm.find(v, 0.45, None)) for v in ids] ... 1 loop, best of 3: 677 ms per loop >>> %timeit -n1 [list(dm.find(v, 0.45, None)) for v in ids] ... 1 loop, best of 3: 29.7 s per loop Args: filename (str): File name of hdf5 file to write or read similarity matrix from mode (str): Can be 'r' for reading or 'w' for writing **kwargs: Passed though to tables.open_file() Attributes: h5file (tables.File): Object representing an open hdf5 file scores (tables.CArray): HDF5 Table that contains matrix labels (tables.CArray): Table to look up label of fragment by id or id of fragment by label """ filters = tables.Filters(complevel=6, complib='blosc', shuffle=True) def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', **kwargs): self.h5file = tables.open_file(filename, mode, filters=self.filters, **kwargs) self.score_precision = 2**16-1 if 'labels' in self.h5file.root: self.labels = self.h5file.root.labels else: self.labels = None if 'scores' in self.h5file.root: self.scores = self.h5file.root.scores else: self.scores = None self.cache_i2l = {} self.cache_l2i = {} if self.labels is not None: self.build_label_cache()
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the hdf5file""" self.h5file.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def find(self, query, cutoff, limit=None): """Find similar fragments to query. Args: query (str): Query fragment identifier cutoff (float): Cutoff, similarity scores below cutoff are discarded. limit (int): Maximum number of hits. Default is None for no limit. Returns: list[tuple[str,float]]: Hit fragment identifier and similarity score """ precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10**(floor(log10(precision)))) scutoff = int(cutoff * precision) query_id = self.cache_l2i[query] subjects = self.h5file.root.scores[query_id, ...] filled_subjects_ids = subjects.nonzero()[0] filled_subjects = [(i, subjects[i]) for i in filled_subjects_ids] hits = [(self.cache_i2l[k], ceil(precision10 * v / precision) / precision10) for k, v in filled_subjects if v >= scutoff] sorted_hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda r: r[1], reverse=True) if limit is not None: sorted_hits = sorted_hits[:limit] return sorted_hits
def __getitem__(self, item): """Get all similarities of fragment or the similarity score between to 2 fragments. Self is excluded in list of similarity scores. Args: item (str|Tuple[str, str]): Label of a fragment or tuple of 2 fragment labels Returns: list[tuple[str, float]]|float: list of (fragment_label, score) or the score Raises: KeyError: When item can not be found """ if isinstance(item, tuple): return self._fetch_cell(item[0], item[1]) precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10**(floor(log10(precision)))) query_id = self.cache_l2i[item] subjects = self.h5file.root.scores[query_id, ...] hits = [(self.cache_i2l[k], ceil(precision10 * v / precision) / precision10) for k, v in enumerate(subjects) if k != query_id] return hits def __iter__(self): """ Yields: Tuple[str, str, float] Fragment id 1, Fragment id 2, similarity score of lower triangle of matrix """ precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10**(floor(log10(precision)))) for row_id, row in enumerate(self.h5file.root.scores.iterrows()): row_label = self.cache_i2l[row_id] # loop through raw scores below triangle for col_id, raw_score in enumerate(row[:row_id]): if raw_score == 0: # skip if below cutoff continue col_label = self.cache_i2l[col_id] score = ceil(precision10 * raw_score / precision) / precision10 yield col_label, row_label, score def _fetch_cell(self, frag_label1, frag_label2): frag_id1 = self.cache_l2i[frag_label1] frag_id2 = self.cache_l2i[frag_label2] if frag_id1 == frag_id2: return 1.0 raw_score = self.h5file.root.scores[frag_id1, frag_id2] precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10**(floor(log10(precision)))) return ceil(precision10 * raw_score / precision) / precision10 def build_label_cache(self): self.cache_i2l = {k: v.decode() for k, v in enumerate(self.labels)} self.cache_l2i = {v: k for k, v in self.cache_i2l.items()}
[docs] def from_pairs(self, similarity_matrix, frame_size, limit=None, single_sided=False): """Fills self with matrix which is stored in pairs. Also known as COOrdinate format, the 'ijv' or 'triplet' format. Args: similarity_matrix (kripodb.hdf5.SimilarityMatrix): frame_size (int): Number of pairs to append in a single go limit (int|None): Number of pairs to add, None for no limit, default is None. single_sided (bool): If false add stored direction and reverse direction. Default is False. time kripodb similarities freeze --limit 200000 -f 100000 data/feb2016/01-01_to_13-13.out.h5 percell.h5 47.2s time kripodb similarities freeze --limit 200000 -f 100000 data/feb2016/01-01_to_13-13.out.h5 coo.h5 0.2m - 2m6s .4m - 2m19s .8m - 2m33s 1.6m - 2m48s 3.2m - 3m4s 6.4m - 3m50s 12.8m - 4m59s 25.6m - 7m27s """ nr_frags = len(similarity_matrix.labels) six.print_('Filling labels ... ', end='') id2labels = {v: k for k, v in similarity_matrix.labels.label2ids().items()} id2nid = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(id2labels)} labels2nid = [None] * nr_frags for myid in id2nid: labels2nid[id2nid[myid]] = np.string_(id2labels[myid]) self.labels = self.h5file.create_carray('/', 'labels', obj=labels2nid, filters=self.filters) self.h5file.flush() self.build_label_cache() six.print_('Done') six.print_('Filling matrix') self.scores = self.h5file.create_carray('/', 'scores', atom=tables.UInt16Atom(), shape=(nr_frags, nr_frags), chunkshape=(1, nr_frags), filters=self.filters) if limit is None: limit = len(similarity_matrix.pairs) self._ingest_pairs(similarity_matrix.pairs.table, id2nid, frame_size, limit, single_sided) self.h5file.flush()
def _ingest_pairs(self, pairs, oid2nid, frame_size, limit, single_sided): oid2nid_v = np.vectorize(oid2nid.get) # whole pairs set does not fit in memory, so split it in frames with `frame_size` number of pairs. for start in range(0, limit, frame_size): stop = frame_size + start t1 = process_time() six.print_('Fetching pairs {0}:{1} of {2} ... '.format(start, stop, limit), end='', flush=True) raw_frame =, stop=stop) t2 = process_time() six.print_('{0}s, Parsing ... '.format(int(t2 - t1)), flush=True) frame = self._translate_frame(raw_frame, oid2nid_v, single_sided) t3 = process_time() six.print_('Writing ... '.format(int(t3 - t2)), flush=True) # alternate direction, to make use of cached chunks of prev frame self._ingest_pairs_frame(frame) del frame t4 = process_time() six.print_('{0}s, Done with {1}:{2} in {3}s'.format(int(t4 - t3), start, stop, int(t4 - t1)), flush=True) def _translate_frame(self, raw_frame, oid2nid, single_sided): bar = ProgressBar(max_value=4) bar.update(0) a = oid2nid(raw_frame['a']) bar.update(1) b = oid2nid(raw_frame['b']) bar.update(2) data = raw_frame['score'] nr_frags = len(self.labels) smat = coo_matrix((data, (b, a)), shape=(nr_frags, nr_frags)).tocsc() bar.update(3) if not single_sided: smat += smat.transpose() bar.update(4) return smat def _ingest_pairs_frame(self, frame): scores = self.scores # loop each bar = ProgressBar() for row_idx in bar(six.moves.range(frame.shape[0])): new_row = frame.getcol(row_idx) if not new_row.nnz: # new col has only zeros, skipping continue current_row = scores[row_idx, ...] # write whole column, so chunk compression + shuffle only performed once per row_idx scores[row_idx, ...] = current_row + new_row.toarray()[:, 0]
[docs] def to_pandas(self): """Pandas dataframe with labelled colums and rows. Warning! Only use on matrices that fit in memory Returns: pd.DataFrame """ precision = float(self.score_precision) decimals = int(log10(precision)) labels = [v.decode() for v in self.labels] df = pd.DataFrame(, index=labels, columns=labels) df /= precision df = df.round(decimals) return df
[docs] def from_array(self, data, labels): """Fill matrix from 2 dimensional array Args: data (np.array): 2 dimensional square array with scores labels (list): List of labels for each column and row index """ labels = [np.string_(d) for d in labels] self.labels = self.h5file.create_carray('/', 'labels', obj=labels, filters=self.filters) self.h5file.flush() self.build_label_cache() nr_frags = len(labels) self.scores = self.h5file.create_carray('/', 'scores', atom=tables.UInt16Atom(), shape=(nr_frags, nr_frags), chunkshape=(1, nr_frags), filters=self.filters) self.scores[0:nr_frags, 0:nr_frags] = (data * self.score_precision).astype('uint16')
[docs] def to_pairs(self, pairs): """Copies labels and scores from self to pairs matrix. Args: pairs (SimilarityMatrix): """ six.print_('copy labels', flush=True) self.build_label_cache() pairs.labels.update(self.cache_l2i) six.print_('copy matrix to pairs', flush=True) limit = self.scores.shape[0] bar = ProgressBar() for query_id in bar(six.moves.range(0, limit)): subjects = self.scores[query_id, ...] filled_subjects_ids = subjects.nonzero()[0] filled_subjects = [(query_id, i, subjects[i]) for i in filled_subjects_ids if query_id < i] if filled_subjects: pairs.pairs.table.append(filled_subjects)
[docs] def count(self, frame_size=None, raw_score=False, lower_triangle=False): """Count occurrences of each score Only scores are counted of the upper triangle or lower triangle. Zero scores are skipped. Args: frame_size (int): Dummy argument to force same interface for thawed and frozen matrix raw_score (bool): When true return raw int16 score else fraction score lower_triangle (bool): When true return scores from lower triangle else return scores from upper triangle Returns: Tuple[(str, int)]: Score and number of occurrences """ nr_rows = self.scores.shape[0] nr_bins = self.score_precision + 1 counts = np.zeros(shape=nr_bins, dtype=np.int64) bar = ProgressBar() for query_id in bar(six.moves.range(0, nr_rows)): if lower_triangle: subjects = self.scores[query_id, query_id + 1:] else: subjects = self.scores[query_id, :query_id + 1] frame_counts = np.bincount(subjects[subjects.nonzero()], minlength=nr_bins) counts += frame_counts if raw_score: for raw_score in counts.nonzero()[0]: yield (raw_score, counts[raw_score]) else: # Convert int score into fraction precision = float(self.score_precision) precision10 = float(10 ** (ceil(log10(precision)))) for raw_score in counts.nonzero()[0]: score = ceil(precision10 * raw_score / precision) / precision10 count = counts[raw_score] yield (score, count)